Friday, 30 March 2012

The Best Way Get Off The Grid?

I do not know whether you have ever thought of it, but you can get off the grid. The electricity grid that is. Is it anything that you are interested in? For some people, getting off the grid is the Holy Grail of modern life. We all believe that we are being squeezed dry by the energy firms and our soldiers are being killed on a daily basis to secure the West\'s supply of oil.

If the same amount of money was invested in emergent alternative technology, we would not have to import so much oil, but that would mean less profits for the energy companies as well. So the average guy on the street loses out to the rich oil tycoons and people are milked for money and people die on both sides.

You cannot depend on these people to help you use less energy, it is not in their interest. The only thing you can do is take the bull by the horns and sort yourself out. Get yourself off the grid, save yourself money in the long term and help save the planet and our soldiers too.

It is often assumed that self-sufficiency in energy is only for nerds, but this is not true, it is now within the reach of every family or household. If you have plenty of money, a solar or wind powered system will cost you about $45,000 and it will take about ten years to recover your investment by getting off the grid. However, you can have the same apparatus for much less than half that sum.

The fact is that technology has advanced rapidly in the realm of solar power, as it has in every other technological sphere. Blazing sunshine is no longer essential to create a steady flow of electricity and prices have dropped. However, labour prices have risen and over-compensated for this fall. Herein lies your opportunity.

It is not hard to make your own solar panels and the components are readily obtainable in even small towns. The same holds true for systems that will create electricity from wind or water. The trick is to get a detailed diagram from which to build your solar panels or other equipment.

These designs are readily available online from specialist web sites and the components are available from DIY or hobbyist stores. Once you have made your sustainable energy resources, they are practically maintenance free, although you may have to top up the batteries with sulphuric acid or distilled water.

Living off the grid is a magnificent feeling. Knowing that you are out of the clutches of the oil tycoons brings more freedom and the next time there is a power cut or a price hike, you can just give a smile and forget about it, because you will be living off the grid.

Owen Jones, the writer of this article, writes on many topics, but is currently involved with a favourite topic - alternative power sources. If you are interested in Sustainable Energy At Home, please click through to our site.

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