Sunday, 15 April 2012

Concentrating Photovoltaic Solar Cell Technology

There are three basic kinds of development of PV panels. All of those explained here use silicon.

Mono Crystal-like cells are cut from a single crystal of silicon- they're effectively a slice from a crystal. In appearance, it will have a smooth texture and you'll be able to see the thickness of the slice. These are the most effective and the most expensive to supply.

Polycrystalline ( or Multi Crystalline ) cells are effectively a cut cut from a block of silicon, consisting of a substantial number of crystals. They have a speckled reflective appearance and again you are you able to see the thickness of the slice.

Amorphous cells are manufactured by placing a thin film of amorphous ( non crystal-like ) silicon onto a wide selection of surfaces. These are the least efficient and least expensive to provide of the three types. Due to the amorphous nature of the insubstantial layer, it is flexible, and if manufactured on a flexible surface, the whole solar cell can be flexible.

Based totally on the main idea that a solar cell receiving more light energy will create more electricity, concentrating photovoltaic solar energy panels simply involve a method ( usually employing a lens or mirrors ) to concentrate more sunlight onto a photovoltaic cell. As fewer cells are then needed for a similar area of panel ( or light capturing area ) it may then become economical to use a highly efficient multi junction cell.

Potentially, this kind of panel has the following advantages : It has a higher overall potency, capturing more solar energy per meter squared resulting in a smaller area of panels needed for a specific output. Ensuing potency levels can approach fifty percent.

Potentially lower cost per watt of output due to lower number of solar cells needed, while the material cost and manufacturing process of the optics ( light concentration mechanism ) is relatively inexpensive.

Lower use of environmentally unfriendly chemicals concerned in the panel manufacturing process due to lower number of pv cells.

Where the concentration is such that cooling of the photovoltaic module is required, a panel might have the facility to output heat at the same time as electricity.

Nonetheless there are downsides : In all but the lower levels of concentration, heat needs to be dissipated from the cells. Cooling is required as cell potency is noticeably reduced at higher temperatures, or in extreme circumstances, cells may be damaged.

In all but the lower levels of concentration a tracker system will be required to keep the concentrated light targeted on the cell.

As diffuse light cannot be effectively concentrated, concentrating PV panels are most suitable to areas with an elevated level of clear sunlight.

Although research has continued on concentrating photovoltaics for a number of years, they have not made an impact on the industry, and where they've been used, it's been in massive scale projects. CPV panels that've been produced have come in "various shapes and sizes" with no apparent design leading the field.

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