Thursday, 17 May 2012

Thin filmed photovoltaic power cells in style

Folk these days are exceedingly attracted to notion of 'saving nature for our future' and turning green seems to be in style. They are employing thin filmed solar cells in their dwellings and offices in manufacturing energy that's one hundred pc free and clean. The typical solar cells that used mono crystalline silicon came higher priced then these new thin filmed solar cells that use amorphous silicon. Firm firms are investing mostly into this leading edge technology that gets use from thin filmed solar cells employed in scientific calculators on giant scale. These are the types of technologies that use thin filmed photovoltaic power cell. The main advantage of thin filmed solar cells is their potency cost reduction due to their pliability.

Amorphous silicon

Here instead of hard mono crystalline silicon, amorphous type is used to make thin filmed solar cells. The cost of turn out here comes less because in contrast to the rectangular panels were silicon is placed in aluminum or tempered glass, amorphous silicon is placed between sheets of plastic or flexible metal. The cost of production of these thin filed photovoltaic cells is less and so is the efficiency. But this may be compensated by accelerating the area used for installation.

Cadmium Telluride

The cost of production of cadmium telluride is less in comparison to the thin filmed photovoltaic cell i.e. Amorphous silicon but still the usage of this is less. One of the real reasons is the toxicity of the materials used in the cadmium telluride and therefore this can cause long term effects on the environment such as biological magnification in the food chains, and so on. It has got a worked out efficiency of 15% but as it poses possible danger to the environment, it is less accepted and used.


Widely known corporations like Honda, Nanosolar, Shell, etc have started very in CIGS i.e. Copper Indium Gallium ( Di ) Selenide as it is the most promising of the 3 in both low manufacturing cost and potency in thin filmed solar cells. The thin layered semi conductor acts as the electrode and confines the electrons produced by the photoelectric effect. The world record for potency a typical solar powered panel is 24.7% and in 2005, the Nation's Energy Lab manufactured a CIGS thin filmed photovoltaic power cell having an efficiency of 19.9%.

With such a high efficiency and low manufacturing cost, this thin filmed solar cell is set to bring a reformation in the solar cell industry. This particular fact has excited the investors world over to invest in the solar cells. Companies like Nanosolar claim to manufacture thin filed solar power cells at 1 / 10 costs and that will be $1.00 / watt.

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