Sunday, 17 June 2012

Reduce You Power Bills By Making Your Home Energy Efficient

People would be pleased to know that there are ways of reducing energy expense without sacrificing the basic home necessities.

Consuming less energy not only saves you money - you are also being environment friendly. Power plants are fueled by oil, coal and natural gas, so the less energy we use, there is less pollution in the air. Pollution from power plants, among others, causes us harm in so many ways - our health, smog and acid rain, and global warming.

The Consumer Federation of American disseminates the following information on how to save energy and to be environment friendly.

Keep your heating and cooling systems function well with periodic cleaning or replacement of air filters. Appliances will work doubly hard if air filters are defective or dirty so you will end up using more energy than necessary. Hire qualified professionals to inspect your systems yearly. Timely preventive maintenance will keep systems functioning efficiently.

Replace obsolete energy guzzler bulbs and fixtures with energy efficient ones stamped by the government with the Energy Star label. These lighting items are up to two thirds more efficient, with a much longer life of up to 10 times more.

Rig a thermostat that is programmable. This instrument will adjust to the correct setting with every temperature change. Using this type of thermostat will earn you annual savings of up to $100.

Your home should be free of air leaks. If you had not yet done so, seal the windows and doors with weather strip and sealants. You also need to caulk and weatherproof other openings like plumbing and electrical service, attic vents and ducts.

As much as 10 percent of your energy bills will be saved if your home is adequately insulated. There are energy-efficient windows that will maintain the appropriate temperature in winter and summer that you can install in your home.

When it is time to replace old or defective appliances, be sure to buy one that had merited the Energy Star label. The late model appliances are required to comply with energy-efficiency standards decreed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy; conserve energy and that will lower you power bills and in the process you are helping the campaign for clean air.

Take some time to check electricity comparison Victoria and find a discount.

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