The word "resistance" is a catch-all term. It is widely used in the fields of physics and engineering. But when we chat about contact resistance, we mean it as the total resistance of a selected material as a result of the electrical connections and electric leads in it. It is completely diffferent from inbuilt resistance, which does not employ the same system utilised for this kind of measurement.
A while back, William Shockley introduced the idea of an injection electrode with potential drop. He used it to work out what made a gradual channel approximation model different to the experimental results. The concept made use of an interface that was a metal-semiconductor that made heavy contributions to the activity and resulted to the use of the term that's specific contact resistance. Often, correction term, transitory resistance, and transitional resistance are also used to reference it. Later on , they created a rather more general term, parasitic resistance, to keep the idea that contact resistance actually does provide a massive contribution.
Two-electrode systems vs Three-electrode systems The specific contact resistance of a two-electrode system is deciphered by deciding the I-V curve's slope at V equals zero. Let J be the prevailing density which equals the ratio of the existing divided by the area. The ensuing categorical contact resistance value has the ohm sq. Cm. Unit. There's a potential drop on the test contacts and test leads, which are connected in series with the device , caused by the measurement current. Actually the resistance of the test contacts and leads has a link to the actual device's resistance.
A diode is an illustration of a two-electrode system.
In a three-electrode system, a rather more complicated methodology such as the transmission line model is utilised. In this example, the device's total resistance is employed as the channel length's function. As a result, the contact resistance springs from extrapolating the nil channel length and total resistance linearly.
Aside from the transmission line model, there are 2 other methods commonly used for this reason. They're the revised time-of-flight strategy and the gated four-probe measurement. Additionally, if you'd like to directly measure the potential drop occuring on an injection electrode, you could employ the electrical field-induced second harmonic generation, and the KFM or Kelvin-probe force microscopy.
Transistors are examples of a three-electrode system.
So are there other contact resistance forms? Yes, there are. Contact resistance comes in other forms. It also covers thermal conductivity measurements and a lessening in hydrostatic pressure or electrical voltage.
It's vital to have a properly maintained contact. Failing to do so could result to the inadequate performance of your gizmo. For example, starting your vehicle may become difficult because of jumper wire clamps that are rusty. The rust could also make the contacts or the fuse look like they were burnt or they blew up. Corrosion does have a big impact on this sort of electronic kit. That explains why you should be aware of the things that you must do to keep them functioning well.
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