Sunday, 22 January 2012

The Advantages Of Insulated Concrete Forms

Using insulated concrete forms in building has several advantages over more traditional methods of construction such as wood frame housing. It is a very simple method of construction that can be easily learned. It also creates buildings of higher strength with better insulation.

Lightweight panels are used to create the formwork for the walls of a building. Steel rebar is placed in the spaces for reinforcement and these are then filled with concrete. The panels are then left in place and create very good thermal and acoustic insulation. Channels can easily be cut into the softer insulating material to run electrical wire and plumbing.

Concrete has much better strength and durability than wood frame housing. It is a very quick and simple method of construction so it can cost as much as 40% less than other methods of building. This is because there are fewer steps to the construction process which saves on labor.

If the construction process is above grade it can be slightly more expensive. In the long run there will be lower costs for heating and cooling due to a higher degree of insulation so this more than makes up for the small additional cost. Because this type of building is more durable it will also have a higher resale value.

There are four different types of insulation that are commonly used. Lightweight panels can be made from polystyrene and polyurethane foam. These are easy to work with and have very good insulating properties. Polystyrene beads or wood fibers that are bonded with cement can also be used to create a more rigid panel. The panels are designed to interlock so that they are easily held in place and stay in place after construction.

After all the formwork has been put in place then it can be filled up with concrete. This can only be done in stages of one to feet in height at a time. Filling up more than that would put too much pressure on the soft panels and this would probably lead to a blowout near the bottom. Each stage should be agitated with a vibrator to make sure that it settles properly and that there are not air pockets and that honeycombing does not form.

When the concrete has set and all the electrical and plumbing channels have been laid then the walls can be finished with gypsum board or some kind of coating. On the outside walls you could also finish of with brickwork or siding. Polystyrene on outside walls should be treated with insecticide and waterproofed if it will be exposed to the elements at all.

There should be no gaps between the walls and floor slab or between any of the walls. This improves insulation but it also means that insects can't get in. The walls are also not susceptible to boring insects like wood is. This means that there are many advantages of this type of construction over wood frame houses.

On the downside it is more difficult to do alterations and change doorways and windows. Once you have cut openings however they don't normally require additional reinforcement. Overall insulated concrete forms constitute a better investment while at the same time creating a more comfortable home.

Durisol Insulated concrete forms are created from a wood concrete material which allows for energy efficient construction for all your green-building needs.

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