Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Heating Bills Reduced With Secondary Layers

Heating bills reduced with secondary glazing is very possible. This is basically an added layer of frame fitted within the windows own frame.The amount of insulation received is determined by the amount of space between the two layers. A bigger space means more insulation than a smaller space.

When you have you window secondary glazed, it can only be opened from the inside. This works in your favor, as you are able to keep burglars and other criminals out. So you can refer to this procedure as a security measure, if you like. The amount of warmed that is lost in the room is considerably less.

Noise level reduction is considered one of the major benefits of secondary glazing. Other ways that people try to reduce noise levels is by hanging up heavy curtains, and using different types of glass on their windows. These other methods only reduce noise levels by a 10 % or 20%, at the most. This is quite low compared to the percentage that secondary glazing achieves.

This process, on the other hand, reduces noise levels by a maximum of 70 to 90%. This is significant compared to the other methods of noise level reduction. Another alternative is using a certain type of glass in the effort to lower noise pollution.

The other main benefit of this is a reduction in heating bills. In the times that we live in, energy consumption should be used moderately. When windows do not have this other extra layer, there is rapid heat loss within the building. This costs you more money as the cost of heating is on the rise. This procedure can save you money on your accounts.

Changing the type of glass used in your window panes is one alternative to reduce noise and keep the room insulated. This should be considered for big flats, apartments and lofts as they tend to require more heat than a small flat or office.

When you have the procedure done on your windows, you need to leave a 100 millimetre gap between the window pane and the second layer of frame.This makes the procedure more effective. The entire process is beneficial as it reduces noise levels and prevents heat loss.

Some people do not see the benefits of this process in summer. The reason why it is needed in summer, is because it lets the fresh air into the room, but keeps the mosquitoes and other insects out.

Having heating bills reduced with secondary glazing is the best decision in these financial times. It is save you on the electricity bills and keep the noise out, as well. It is a very important procedure to implement.

With secondary glazing London you can count on those heating bills being reduced. Sash window draught proofing will also help reduce those heating bills.

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