Monday, 20 February 2012

The Advantages Of Having Voltage Optimisation

When businesses and houses wish to spend less on their energy bills (and let's face it who isn't?) they may consider installing more energy efficient appliances, using energy saving bulbs or switching things off when they are not being utilised but one of the other options that they may not have considered is reducing their energy consumption by using voltage optimisation.

Voltage power optimisation is just about the single biggest ways that homeowners and commercial building proprietors can reach their energy saving and carbon reduction targets. Basically it works to relieve the degree of power entering your house or building. Our appliances just need 220v however the voltage supply we typically receive is anything as much as 253v, so a voltage regulator will lessen the power coming in to your property to the 220 volts you need to efficiently run that building thus costing you less on the wasted extra power you don't require.

The larger the voltage the higher the power consumption and so the larger your power bills could be. A higher voltage can also put a heightened stress on some electrical equipment and so shorten its life. By simply reducing the voltage by 5% it is estimated that house owners can help to save up to 20% on their power bills and boost the lifespan of their appliances, purely since the voltage supplied to many premises is greater than it needs to be.

By getting a Voltis or similar voltage optimisation unit installed the voltage level is reduced to 220v and all circuits and appliances run at their perfect levels. These optimisers work by reduction of the voltage level to your building by installing a transformer - this unit is put between the mains feed from the energy supplier and the domestic supply circuit. It can be installed in the hour and will start saving you money on your power bills instantly.

A voltage regulator might be installed by a qualified electrician and is also often done together with a wider energy saving project such as the fitting of solar power panels to a property.

To find out more about voltage optimisation why not visit the Sutton Solar site where you can find out more about their services including solar panel and voltage regulator installation.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I have gone through from your post, it is nice and your idea is very creative. You have defined the advantages Of Having Voltage Optimisation.
