Sunday, 26 February 2012

What Does A Halal Mean? A Closer Look At The Label

People read "halal" on various food labels and dining establishments, but only a handful know what it means. For our Muslim brothers and sisters, "halal" means according to law in Islamic law. The term is used to classify food as permissible according to Sharia, or Muslim law. It is the opposite of "haram," an Islamic term which means "forbidden.".

If a food item has halal on its label, then it means it was cooked in compliance with Islamic standards and is therefore allowed to be taken by Muslims. According to Islamic food preparation standards, food items must not contain forbidden substances in its ingredients, such as pork meat, blood, carnivore and birds of prey meat, alcohol, and other toxics.

Food items are also considered haram or forbidden if, in the case of animals, they were butchered as offering to anyone but Allah, the Muslim god. This is especially haram if the cattle was killed as consecration to other gods and not Allah. To be halal or permitted, the cattle should also be slaughtered in compliance with an Islam sanctioned method of killing. This method involves sacrificing the cattle quickly, so as to immediately end its suffering.

Halal-certified restaurants in non-Islamic countries also thoroughly ascertain that their preparation process meets the Islamic standards. While a Muslim will definitely not order a non-halal or haram food, restaurants also need to see to it that the halal-approved meals have been prepared so that the halal foods are not contaminated with haram foods.

Being halal-certified definitely necessitates extra attention to meal preparation and diligent service towards the Muslim guests. That is why halal certification is not just a decal to garnish. It carries with it a serious responsibility and truthfulness on the part of the restaurant owner.

In Muslim nations, it is easy to find halal meals and halal-certified restaurants as most are run by Muslims who subscribe Sharia. However, Muslims in non-Islamic nations may have more challenges finding processed foods and dining establishments adhering to their religious law. That is why canned foods and dining places make their halal certifications known so that Muslims would be able to identify foods that meet Islamic dietary standards.

Found the halal sign on a restaurant? This simply means ingredients on the meal and the food preparations apply halal standards. It also means that the dining establishment respects and values the Muslim religion and culture.

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