Friday, 24 February 2012

The Basics Of Slipped Disc Treatment

Discs are composed of loops of fibrous material with a hard viscous center. If cracks appear in the stringy circles, the glutinous material in the center may start to push out, hence, bringing on a slipped disc.

A slipped disc does not literally mean that a disc has slipped. It only implies that the disc has moved out of its right place. 'Bulging discs' is another description for the term.

A slipped disc likewise causes other symptoms of disorders which are as follows: sciatica (pain down the back of the leg), numbness or weakness.

Slipped Disc Treatment Techniques

Chiropractic approach in slipped disc treatment will be the main idea of this article. Chiropractic technique in treatment focuses on realigning the spine to lessen the pain and promote the healing.

Following are the two primary methods of chiropractic slipped disc treatment:

"Pelvic Blocking" Technique - This technique is done using cushioned wedges, positioned under every side of the pelvis along with gentle exercises. Doing this will allow the force of gravity to take place. This also permits the changes to direct the disc far from the nerve.

A succession of non-force treatments, alongside scrutiny and evaluation, comprises the common disc injury treatment. If there are no signs of development, however, it is suggested to send the patient to a different spine specialist. The chiropractor could still treat the patient though, by co-managing with the specialist.

"Flexion-Distraction" Method - In this method of slipped disc treatment, the spine is stretched using a specialized table, which also allows the chiropractor to isolate the area of disc involvement, while bending the spine in a pumping rhythm. In this treatment, no pain is expected.

The flexion-distraction technique has been the most generally applied way in treating symptomatic disc injuries which involve back and leg pain.

Chiropractic Slipped Disc Treatment Does Not Use Drugs

Chiropractic slipped disc treatment does not involve using drugs. Through chiropractic techniques, the spinal nerve stress is reduced, thus promoting natural health through the body.

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