Wednesday, 1 February 2012

DIY Solar Water Heater Plans - Save Money And The Planet

High media exposure has led many people to realise that we can create our own green energy for a lot of our power needs by using home solar power systems. As well as appliances and lighting, a solar powered house will also include the water heating system, and it is perfectly possible to find very good DIY solar water heater plans that will provide you with step-by-step instructions to construct your own heating system. This is certainly a good thing, because heating the water is the biggest drain on your pocket than any other electrical usage in the home. It is quite easy to envisage the amount of money you could save if you used the natural energy from the sun rather than a national energy supply company.

Firstly, you need to find the type of heating system that will be the most beneficial for your needs. This is often dependant on a number of things such as how much hot water you need, how much you want to spend and the normal climate in your area. You should also pay attention to the size of your roof and the direction the largest part of it is facing.

Do a thorough search on the Internet for a complete set of DIY solar water heater plans with a manual that can provide you with those essential step-by-step details you need to avoid errors. Hopefully, you will also be able to get video demonstrations as a bonus. When you have done this, collect all your materials together that you will need and walk yourself through the process using the manual. This is key, as it will help avoid possible errors as you will have some idea of what happens next.

The next step is to decide where you will place your solar hot water panel(s). Assuming you will be placing the solar panels on the roof, place them to the rear of the roof as they don't always look that pretty and may upset the neighbours!

Wind or solar power electricity can give you all the natural energy you may need in your house. You will not only save money on your own bills, you will help reduce your carbon footprint at the same time.

Using a good set of DIY solar water heater plans is far superior, quicker and less irritating that just 'having a go' without them. Although there is a very small expense to purchase them, in the long run they will be beneficial and help you construct home solar power systems time and again. This experience will also be useful if you wish to turn your newly acquired skills into a small business.

To get more information on solar water heater plans and additional ways to make your home greener and cheaper to run, visit our website at

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