Thursday, 9 February 2012

Enerfina: Biomass Boilers

In recent years there has been a huge emphasis on conservation in terms of reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Not only does this make us less dependent on oil producing countries at the centre of political unrest but it also provides for a greatly reduced carbon footprint. It has long been known that the mindless burning of fossil fuels has created a rift in the ozone layer, but for years there has been little the home or business owner could do about it short of installing solar panels to produce some of the electricity being used on location.

Not everyone is in an area where wind power or hydropower can be utilised, so that left very few options when it came to providing heat for the home or business. The only choices were coal, gas or electric for central heating systems unless in an older building with a wood burning stove. Unfortunately, this created a whole new set of problems when it came to heating an entire building as wood burning stoves rarely heated more than the rooms they were located in. With innovative biomass technology, there is a once and for all solution to this problem.

At the present time we have the capability to power biomass central heating boilers and some can even be considered as multi-fuel boilers. As an example, some utilise wood chips and logs whilst others are powered with wood pellets and logs but in any case these fuels are readily obtainable, inexpensive and many times are backwards compatible with older, more conventional boiler heat systems. As a result of the super availability of wood, there will be a greatly reduced dependence on Middle Eastern oil from countries which are politically unstable. Notwithstanding of the fact that wood is easier to come by, biomass systems burn cleaner thus providing less of an impact on the ecosphere.

Because biomass boilers burn cleaner and utilise renewable materials to power them, many are eligible for financial incentives through the Renewable Heat Incentive programmes currently available in the UK. At the moment there are two separate renewable energy programmes which can be participated in, the first being widely touted Feed in Tariffs Programme for smaller scale renewable electricity generation and then there is the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme as mentioned above. Within the UK Government's FIT Programme there are a number of homes and businesses which aren't located properly to avail themselves of alternative power such as wind, water or solar power.

On the other hand, any building whatsoever can benefit from biomass boilers which can produce hot water and heat all seasons of the year, regardless of where the structure is located. Buildings without southern exposure cannot benefit from solar power and those buildings without access to naturally flowing water or wind will not be able to use those options either. As a result of these limitations, increasing numbers of people are looking towards for the ground-breaking technology inherent in biomass boilers. It is still possible to benefit from government incentives in England, Wales and Scotland when utilising technologically advanced biomass boilers.

For more information on wood gasification boilers, visit today.

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