Tuesday 20 March 2012

Did You Know You can Draw Circuits with Conductive Ink?

New answers to help with circuits and other options for energy are steadily added into new innovations for this century. An option now available is conductive ink. This allows an individual to take a pen created from circuits and draw the circuits into a given area. With this alternative, the circuits are becoming better to draw, manipulate and alter while creating new strategies to making circuits and circuit boards.

The conductive ink that can be found is formed by a material science professor and electric engineering professor while working at the University of Illinois. The idea came from the considerations of the system of inkjet printing, which permits one to immediately print anything from ink. The professors started to try experimenting with taking more than ink with a pen to form the circuits. The result was a pen that mixes liquid metals with silver nanoparticles, hydroxyethel cellulose and acid to make the final ink.

When the combined metals of the conductive ink are placed on a surface, they started to work to make different circuits. The first circuit comes as a liquid form that may be placed on anything, including a bit of paper. After it is placed on a permeable surface it dries and is able to conduct electricity because of the chemicals. With this, you can simply draw the circuits on a chunk of paper, fold it into a specific position and permit it to become a circuit in any shape, form or area of your house or room.

The benefits of conductive ink are just starting to become noted among varied industries. The convenience, lower costs and the ease of use are allowing the circuits created thru the ink to begin a revolution with creating circuits through this invention. Whether you wish to fix or add circuits on metal, glass, plastic or epoxy, you will simply be able to draw it into place with this ink device . The result will be more uses for circuit boards while there are less complicated alternate choices to those interested in connecting together materials for higher electricity.

If you are looking at innovations and new solutions to connect circuits, then conductive ink is one of the latest inventions to consider. This actual ink is outlined by the specialized chemicals that are combined to form circuits. As these are used , you can simply create circuits and use them to connect any material. The lasting results then offer you new options to creating and maintaining any sort of circuit.

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