Wednesday 22 February 2012

The Amazing Benefits Of Biomass Boilers

A growing number of people are now looking for viable environmental solutions as climate change becomes an increasingly urgent problem. Solar panels and wind turbines are both effective tools in the battle against global warming. However, an option that many people forget to consider is biomass boilers. These heating systems range from sophisticated and technically advanced pieces of machinery, to far simpler models that can run on wooden offcuts. There is a boiler available to suit your household, no matter what your energy needs.

The efficient heating system is fuelled by burning wood chips, logs, or pellets. The energy that is produced is considered carbon neutral because all carbon dioxide given off was absorbed by the trees as they were growing. The wood is normally taken from replanted and replenished sources, from agricultural waste material, or from high yielding crops.

They are far more efficient at burning biomass than a simple open fire. This is because the air flow is restricted and there is significant insulation to conserve heat. Due to their large size and the slight whirring noise they make, a lot of people chose to keep them outside in a garage or shed. The faint smokey smell that they give off is considered quite pleasant by most people, and they tend to produce only clear smoke.

The heating system is also relatively cost efficient. Though it is not quite as cheap as gas powered systems, it is considerably less expensive than those fuelled with electricity, LPG, or oil. To be completely self-sufficient the average household would need to grow about a hectare of poplars. They would be big enough to use after about 3 years.

The boilers are extremely simple to set up because they can connect to any existing system. They can also be connected to other renewable energy supplies like photovoltaic or solar water panels. Usually a qualified engineer will install the product for you.

Maintaining a boiler is much less time consuming than many think. Most have auto-ignition, de-ashing, self-cleaning, and timer features. The majority of domestic versions will only need filling once a week and emptying once every two months.

If you are thinking about using biomass boilers to heat your small business or home, there is a wide variety available on the market. A lot of local governments offer grants for energy efficient products that could subsidize the cost. Installing these systems makes a valuable contribution to the environment.

If you want to make energy savings by installing biomass boilers in your home, contact Find Energy Savings.

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